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I. Presentation Weed is the name given in the United States to the medication delivered from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. The utilizat...

Thursday, October 31, 2019

International marketing - the case of Mcdonald's Essay

International marketing - the case of Mcdonald's - Essay Example Differences in culture, behaviour and customer needs across nations have posed new challenges while also providing new opportunities in international marketing. These have altered the segmenting, targeting of the market and product positioning. Thus international marketing strategy is a comprehensive effort which entails deployment of the marketing mix to create a sustainable advantage in the international market place (Wong and Merrilees, 2007). The right marketing mix and the marketing decision can change the brand perception and enhance the firm’s reputation leading to strong brand performance. The power of global brands can be used as a means of international entry but such brands also have to adapt to cultural and other environmental conditions. 2. Company Background McDonald's is one of the most respected and recognized brands in the world. Its success is ascertained from the fact that the organization has over 33,000 franchisees across the world, operating in 119 countr ies and serving over 47 million people each day (Han, 2008). McDonald's has achieved success purely because of its ‘think global, act local’ strategy that it has adopted in all its markets. Initially however, McDonald's had an ethnocentric approach to international marketing as it tried to replicate the home country elements overseas. However, through experience and knowledge it adopted the polycentric approach and focused on the demands of the host country. 3. Standardization and Adaptation Gilani and Razeghi (2010) do not consider it necessary to adapt to the elements of the marketing mix to suit to local tastes as markets have become globalized. However, globalization has not homogenised cultures. Standardization which pertains to identical product lines at identical prices, distributed through identical distribution lines with identical promotional programs (Zou, Andrus, Norvell, 1997), is not feasible in the changed business environment as this demonstrates a produ ct-centred approach whereas organizations need to have a customer-centric approach. McDonald's, in order to fit in to the new market demands, adjusted the entire marketing strategy including how they distribute and promote their brand. The company re-designed its marketing mix based on the product positioning, branding and design. 4. Product Positioning Product positioning is the product’s positioning and image that lends it a distinct value and place in the target segment’s mind (Liu and Chen, 2000). Since buyers differ in their attitudes, lifestyle and behaviour, these differences help in market segmentation. Within each segment product positioning strategy has to differ. McDonald's initially positioned itself as the market leader with low-priced quality food (Need Coffee, 2005). McDonald’s continuously strives to serve the customers better as its vision is to be the ‘world’s best quick service restaurant experience and ensure that every customer in every restaurant smiles (Andidas, 2003). However, as it entered the Asian markets, particularly China, it had to reposition itself. Burgers in China are perceived by the elders as providing nutritional value while the youth seeks taste (Anderson and He, 1998). Even though they do not relish pizzas or fast food, but the Chinese consumers would like to be seen at fast food outlets. McDonald's strategy was to provide the ambience, music and the environment that attracted the Chinese consu

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Explaining Second Language Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Explaining Second Language Learning - Essay Example After evaluating and analyzing all theories presented by Lightbown and Spada, we shall conclude which theory has consistencies. Cognitive theory is consistent because it draws how the mind can achieve second languages irrespective of the role of environment and social context. Therefore, cognitive theory has proven to be consistent than sociocultural and social interaction theories. This is because sociocultural and social interaction theories focus on the role of environment and social context, thus making these theories be inconsistent (Lightbown, & Spada, 2012). Cognitive theory helps us understand that all second language learners, irrespective of their environment and social context have at present learned and acquired at least one language. It also elucidates that the human mind has the capability of learning anything new. Thus, it explains that human cognizance can be divided into twofold complex kinds of representation: prior knowledge and procedural knowledge (Lightbown, & Spada, 2012). Prior knowledge represents first language acquisition that is stored in long-term memory through schemas and images, and procedural knowledge represents L2 and this indicates that the human minds have the aptitude of learning anything new successfully. So, the central fact that makes cognitive theory consistent is the ability to expound that learning begins with prior knowledge, which is slowly modified to become proceduralized knowledge (Lightbown, & Spada, 2012). This means that learners of second languages have a conscious mind with advanced fluency and competency of the first language, and this will orient their thinking and speaking toward second language acquisition. Subsequently, cognitive theory expounds that the mind work in an information-processing model and this help human learning to achieve. For second language acquisition to be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Factors That Affect The Achievement Of The Operational Excellence Business Essay

Factors That Affect The Achievement Of The Operational Excellence Business Essay One of the most competitive industries in the world is the pharmaceutical industry. For a long time, the operation of the pharmaceutical companies has been subject to scrutiny, especially by the government of each country of operation. The underlying reasons for the strict attention include: the cost of medicines and drugs available for purchase, the reduced life cycle of product development, the technological advancements which impact operations and the nature of the health care systems. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry, like other businesses, is affected by factors such as the issues of human resources development and sensitivity to culture and diversity. In fact, they all have influenced the birth of the new and improved meaning of operational excellence. The increasing demands for an improved productivity and manufacturing costs have been the growing concern of pharmaceutical companies today. The need to meet the fast changing needs of the market for a much higher standard and quality drugs has also resulted to increased expectations not only from the consumers but from all stakeholders (suppliers, investors, employees and the government). However, the quest for a much potent product is a very significant issue. The common goal is to reduce the attrition rate in bringing new medicines in the market as well as in creating a fair and efficient standard in choosing the best pharmaceutical company to award the patent. As more and more consumers are becoming concern of the drug s its short-term efficacy and its long-term side effects, marketing for the drug has also become more innovative and active. In this view, the operational processes and engineering for pharmaceutical product has come to a new level. Introduction The old adage Health is Wealth is generally true nothing can be more valuable than being healthy and alive. The objective of the government of every country around the world to provide its public with health care services has been notable but still incomplete and unsuccessful. Not only the poor and underdeveloped countries are the ones having problems with high medical costs and insurances but even the developed or economically strong countries. There are many factors that contribute to the inability of the government to properly provide for its people in terms of health care, for one, the health service is truly an expensive part of man s need to live and the costs of services are high because medical equipments are expensive not mentioning the maintenance cost of every hospital. Hence, the need to secure the health benefits of the people has become the motivating factor for the government to present in an agenda, its health objectives for the American Nation. Statement of the Problem The pharmaceutical business is one of the most important industries in the world. The benefits people gain from the results of research and development conducted by the pharmaceutical firms, which include discoveries of the cures for many diseases, and the lessening time required to treat the patient that lead to saving of lives, cannot be equated with money. Even the wealthiest person on earth gets sick and requires medicine. Sick people and their families are happy whenever they learn that there is a cure for their diseases and that their lives are lengthened by the healing power of medicine. However, with the high cost of production, stiff competition, and the ever-changing government legislations, pharmaceutical companies are facing major challenges. While the time to bring the pharmaceutical product in the market quickens, the risk involved in the cost recovery and industry survival increases for many pharmaceutical companies. In this view that the selected problem is titled: Ac hieving Operational Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The selected research problem evaluates the operational and engineering processes used by the pharmaceutical companies. Achieving operational excellence requires that pharmaceutical companies understand the factors which may affect their operations, such as the changing human resources relative to cultural diversity and manpower outsourcing, the impact of the environmental factors, which may include changing government legislations, market trends and future opportunities and threats and the future trends, operational systems, collaborative efforts (merging, tie-ups, etc.) that will all make a difference in the midst of heavy competition and highly selective customers. The selected statement of the problem hopes to reveal the possible solutions to the challenges and in the end provide a wider perspective based on the data presented, evaluated and analyzed. Purpose of the Study The goal of this research is to find out the relevant factors that affect the achievement of the operational excellence of the firms in the pharmaceutical industry. It also hopes to learn and understand what makes a successful pharmaceutical company and how operational excellence can be achieved. Significance of the Study The findings of this research will serve as useful information on understanding the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. Readers will also have a full view of the pharmaceutical industry from its begging up to the current time. Researchers of the same issue will have a concrete basis of analyzing and evaluating for the same. Pharmaceutical companies will have a wider perspective of the industry where they exist, providing them with more information useful in the creation of marketing strategies and operational upgrades. The government will also benefit from this research because, it will present a different interpretation of the key factors affecting the pharmaceutical industry. Research Questions This paper looks into the following issues: (1) How should the current pharmaceutical industry be described in terms of: a. Operational processes and engineering; b. Pharmaceutical technology; c. New product development, Research and development; and Product life cycle; d. Production systems (total quality management, total productive maintenance, etc.); and e. Factors that characterize operational excellence (best practices)? (2) How are performances evaluated? a. The Porter s diamond concept in a pharmaceutical setting (3) What are the challenges of achieving operational efficiency in view of: a. Sensitivity to culture and diversity with respect to a unified corporate thinking; b. Globalization; and c. Human resources development? (4) What are the expected future trends? Background Pharmaceutical firms are categorized according to the nature of their business operations: they are the research-based firms; manufacturing-based firms and a combination of research-based and manufacturing-based firms. Characterized by its two distinct functions: research and development (RD), and manufacturing, the pharmaceutical industry was reported as a $600 billion worth of sales in the year 2006 (economywatch). Specifically, there was a 7 per cent increase on the sales of prescription medicines worldwide or a total of $602 billion based on the report of some major pharmaceutical and medical information firms. These pharmaceutical firms are either, primarily engaged in Research and Development (RD) alone, studying diseases and advancing drugs and medicinal potency while other firms focus on the drug manufacturing process. Large, financially-able and world renowned pharmaceutical companies engaged in both activities. The US is considered as having the number one pharmaceutical market and an increasing trend in the pharmaceutical industry all over the world. According to statistics the highest recorded annual sales of pharmaceutical products and services in the US alone is $252 billion and increases at around 5.7 per cent annually (economywatch). According to a pharmaceutical industry report, the leading countries in the world in terms of potential market are India, China and the United States. The report specifically stated that: The report proved that there is an increasing demand and market for the pharmaceutical industry because of the increasing health awareness of the people all over the world. Literature Review Market intelligence data from IMS Health, a research company providing on pharmaceutical and healthcare industries proved that: in 2002, the estimated worldwide sales for prescription drugs was about $400 billion; and that the United States expenditure on prescription drugs in 2002, was roughly 200 billion dollars which accounted for approximately half of all sales worldwide. But despite this high costs, the United States ranked as the 21st rate on infant mortality in the world, way below Greece and South Korea and only a bit higher in Poland. Also, the United States ranked at the 17th rate in terms of life expectancy all over the world. The research agency also reported that in 2008, the US prescription drugs sales had amounted to a whopping $291 billion dollars every year (sourcewatch). In this view, the challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry around the world are enormous (Sherk). One of the main reasons is the pressure of bringing down the prices of medicines and drugs that are considered contributive to the escalating costs of the health care services (Sherk). The cost of health care in the United States is generally double compared to other developed countries in Europe such as Britain, France and Germany. (yahoonews) Furthermore, the United States has reportedly spent 7, 290 dollars per person in the year 2007 but provided no meaningful advantage in terms of quality of care, and placed far behind the averages in the key indicators such as the infant mortality and life expectancy rate compared to the previously mentioned countries. The proposed healthcare reform in the United States, includes the evaluation of the drug costs and the possibility of creating legislations that will regulate the operations of pharmaceutical companies. Research Design The research design that will be used to evaluate and answer the selected problem titled: Achieving Operational Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry is qualitative research. The decision to use the qualitative research design was based on the following factors: limited time available, and also, the use of secondary data. In order to answer the general and specific questions, the researcher uses the descriptive research as a type of qualitative method of research. The researcher gathers secondary data from previous researches, statistical reports, surveys, demographic information, and online resources. The data gathered are listed, sorted and analyzed in order to answer the problems undertaken. Findings The following are the findings that were gathered using secondary information, specifically from previous researches, statistical reports, and other sources. (1) How should the current pharmaceutical industry be described in terms of: (a) Operational Processes and Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry Drug Approval and Registration Process As implemented by the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, the strict compliance of the law should be observed in all stages of the operational process and engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry, primarily, in the registration (FDA, 2010) The Food Drug Administration (FDA) s fundamental mission is protect the public health is the collection of this information, which is used for important activities such as post-market surveillance for serious adverse drug reactions, inspection of drug manufacturing and processing facilities, and monitoring of drug products imported into the United States. Comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date information is critical to conducting these activities with efficiency and effectiveness. (FDA, 2010) (b) Process Analytical technologies (PAT) One of the new systems that are being used in the pharmaceutical industry is known as the Process Analytical technologies (PAT). The term Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) has been used to describe a system for designing and controlling manufacturing through timely measurements (i.e. during processing) of critical quality and performance attributes for raw and in-process materials and also processes with the goal of ensuring final product quality. The PAT initiative focuses on building quality into the product and manufacturing processes, as well as continuous process improvement. (pharmainfo.net) c) Industry Operating Procedures The pharmaceutical industry, just like other industries uses the US standard of Accounting GAAP (irs.gov). Pharmaceutical companies have to apply for the registration of their newly discovered drugs or medicines. Before a drug can be tested in people, the drug company or sponsor performs laboratory and animal tests to discover how the drug works and whether its likely to be safe and work well in humans. Next, a series of tests in people is begun to determine whether the drug is safe when used to treat a disease and whether it provides a real health benefit. The process must be based on the steps set by the Food and Drug administration of the country of operation. The development and Approval Process of Drugs in the United States is believed to be the safest and the most advanced pharmaceutical system in the world. Another unique operational process used by the pharmaceutical companies is in the area of marketing. Unlike, the traditional selling and buying area of many products, selli ng drugs is a very complicated issue. Before companies can sell drugs, they have to seek approval and license from the FDA. Marketing in the pharmaceutical industry is commonly through salesmen. (2) How are performances evaluated? Porter s Five Forces of Industry Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Industry The pharmaceutical industry has high barriers to entry, primarily because capital is huge in this business. The need to allocate heavily on research and development is highly important if one will enter this industry, not mentioning high threat from government policies, and longer or no return on investment. The supplier power has low impact because material supplies are solely for pharmaceutical companies alone, and shelf life of chemicals is longer than any ordinary supplies. Buyer power depends on the kind of medicine being produced, if the medicine has no other substitute, then buyer power is low, and vice versa. The threat of substitutes is also low in the pharmaceutical industry, because although generics have been gaining popularity and acceptance, still, many consumers believe branded medicines are more effective. In terms of competitive rivalry, the pharmaceutical industry is highly competitive. Mullins (2006) reported that the industry was overpopulated and not one company has more than 5 percent market share. In addition, market growth rate is also minimal. (3) What are the challenges of achieving operational efficiency in view of (a) Sensitivity to culture and diversity with respect to a unified corporate thinking; (b) Globalization and (c) Human resources development. The changing landscape of business due to the forces of the new and changing environment have become the major influences in the manner in which leading function in the organization is done today. Unlike the traditional leadership process, global leadership extends its functions to new horizons and length that increased values for businesses, hence an increased risks. Leaders are more flexible and multi-skilled today. Thus, new business horizons that offer new and improved opportunities are available for global leaders to take advantage of. With the right attitude and qualifications, success in the business is possible for global leaders. The secrets however, lie on the ability of the leader to understand these new concepts and challenges. Human Resource Management or HRM is an activity that is focused on recruiting, managing and developing the people in an organization. This function also deals with the issues regarding employee compensation, hiring, performance evaluation, safety, development, wellness, communication, training and development. The human resource management in the organization plays a big role in making strategic and coherent approach to managing the company s most important asset; its people. The HRM function is seen by most companies as a major contributing factor in aligning specific assignment to the employee s capabilities. In doing so, the company will be able to efficiently achieve its goals at a minimum required resources. Factors that affect staffing and staffing turnover are considered to be a big problem faced by human resource managers. Pinkerton (2001) made an effort to know the reasons that influence the staffing needs of hospitals. The answers vary depending on the hospital, the top thr ee include, teamwork or no teamwork/unit cohesiveness, chaos factors impacting the delivery of nursing care and effectiveness of communication. The factors affect staffing which can be categorized under external and internal. The external factors include the level of education, the prevailing attitudes in society (the kind of attitude toward work), the many laws and regulations that directly affect staffing, the economic conditions, and the supply of and demand for the manpower outside the enterprise. Organizational goals, tasks, technology, organization structure, the kinds of people employed by the enterprise, the demand for and the supply of managers within the enterprise, the reward system, and various kinds of policies are the internal factors which may affect staffing. For example, the use of high technology in most industries requires extensive and intensive education and training. The organization s ability to effect change is largely affected by the organizational culture because it serves as the basic nature and characteristics of the whole organization. Where organizational culture is deep seated and forms underlying subcultures, it is more difficult to change and therefore sets a more challenging role for leaders who want to implement change in the organization. The tendency to resist change is higher when organizational culture is more cohesive and more symbolical. Since the organization comprises of people that have different behaviors, talents, skills, knowledge, values, personality and many other differences, working together they come on terms to manage each other s differences. Culture is the behavior which formed when the people in the organization meet and agreed verbally and nonverbally and creates rule for doing the task. (Heathfield) Diversity The diversity in the organization was previously seen as a negative factor, but in today s environment where change is inevitable, it adds up to the company s flexibility in order to survive the competition in the market. In an organization where diversity is high, the leader must understand and know how to deal with it and use them effectively as a competitive advantage. Nowadays, many organizations employ diverse group of employees because they want to create a unique culture which adds up to the value of the organizational workforce. Common diversities in the organization include racial mixes, foreign workforces, women on the job, and disabled workers. (4) What are the expected future trends? Major transformations are occurring in the delivery of healthcare worldwide. Medical and healthcare technologies are increasingly impacting the clinical as well as the administrative dimensions of healthcare care delivery. Innovations introduced in the last decade have created accumulated effects that will be compounded with the continuing technical progress in medicine. Areas such as telemedicine, telehealth, computerized medical records, e-health and use of the Internet in B2B and B2C applications in healthcare are some of the milestones in the almost total revamping of the healthcare landscape. Medical and healthcare technologies are already transforming the operations, design and mission of hospitals. In this regard, the challenges for the future are an exciting opportunity for study, reflection, planning, and intervention. Technology assessment (TA) arose in the mid-1960s from an appreciation of the critical role of technology in modern society and its potential for unintended, and sometimes harmful, consequences. Congress commissioned independent studies by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and the Legislative Reference Service of the Library of Congress that significantly influenced the development and application of TA. These studies and further congressional hearings led the National Science Foundation to establish a TA program and, in 1972, Congress to authorize the congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), which was founded in 1973, became operational in 1974, and established its health program in 1975. Another factor that is considered as a threat not only to pharmaceutical industry but all industries is the globalization. Globalization has been creating impacts to various industries and individuals. The possibilities associated with it are countless. Hence, it also poses higher threats to many. Globalization has influenced major transformations on the organizational structures, and the processes of firms whether locally or internationally operated. Globalization also redefined the functions and roles of the intermediaries. Distribution of products has become entirely dependent on the intermediaries. Companies are trying to lessen interaction costs and because of this, have outsourced services from other countries to take advantage of the economies of scale. Industrial sectors have to undergo extensive structural changes which become more visible in the sectors that are based highly on the advanced technologies. Examples include the car industry, pharmaceutical industry and the tel ecommunications, among others. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on this research study, there are several lessons which could be learned from the evaluation of and analysis performed in the pharmaceutical industry. Primarily, the safety and security of our lives depend on the ability of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and, CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the AMA (American Medical Association) and APA (American Pharmacists Association), to screen and select the safest medicine, drugs and vaccines. The criteria set should always and consistently be tested, proven, and communicated to all industry players. Second, the operations of the pharmaceutical companies are generally affected by the changes in the industry. The relative amount of information available in understanding or describing a situation can significantly help in making valuable decision regarding the business operation. Third, the threat on the human resources because of globalization is considered a very critical issue even in the pharmaceutical industry. In the situation where there is limited available resources, need is high for an effective HR planning. Maximizing employee performances through devising appropriate training is also vital to the needs of the company. The approach will also help in maximizing the return on investment of the any organization s human capital and minimizing the financial risk is the main objective of human resources. Finally, it should therefore be concluded that the operational excellence in the pharmaceutical industry will only be achieved when companies learn to adapt the changes and developments brought about by the globalization.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Harriet Jacobs Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay -- Feminis

Harriet Jacobs' Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl The feminist movement sought to gain rights for women. Many feminist during the early nineteenth century fought for the abolition of slavery around the world. The slave narrative became a powerful feminist tool in the nineteenth century. Black and white women are fictionalized and objectified in the slave narrative. White women are idealized as pure, angelic, and chaste while black woman are idealized as exotic and contained an uncontrollable, savage sexuality. Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of A Slave Girl, brought the sexual oppression of captive black women into the public and political arena. Harriet Jacobs takes a great risk writing her trials as a house servant in the south and a fugitive in the north. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl gives a true account of the brutality slavery held for women. A perspective that was relatively secretive during Jacobs’ time. Jacobs’ narrative focuses on subjugation due to race but it also portrays many women an strong and often open roles. Women in these roles were minimal and often suffered for their outspoken roles. Harriet Jacobs’ narrative is a powerful statement unveiling the impossibility and undesirability of achieving the ideal put forth by men and maintained by women. Jacobs directs her account of the afflictions a woman is subjected to in the chain of slavery to women of the north to gain sympathy for their sisters that were enslaved in the south. In showing this, Jacobs reveals the danger of such self disapprobation women maintained by accepting the idealized role that men have set a goal for which to strive. She suggests that slave women be judged by different standards than those applied to other women. Jacobs develops a moral code that apprises the specific social and historical position of captive black women. Jacobs’ will power and strength shown in her narrative are characteristics of womanly behavior being developed by the emerging feminist movement. In struggling against the brutal dynamics of a system that simultaneously set before her ideals of a true woman, but refused to acknowledge her as a human being, Jacobs emerges scarred but victorious. Her rational powers and will to action facilitate her efforts to find strategies for dealing with sexual harassment from her master, for maintaining family unity, and in estab... ...denying society’s firm position for women by refusing to be owned, refusing to submit , and refusing to be bought out of her captivity. Linda rejects the notion of true womanhood that has been passes on for centuries and takes control of her future and her children’s future. Linda gains her peace by escaping to the north. Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is one of the few narratives depicting the degradation’s endured by female slaves at the hand of brutal masters. Jacobs’ narrative is sending a message to women to come together and end the unfair treatment all women are subjected to. By bringing images of slavery and the message of unity of women to the forefront, Jacobs is attempting to end the tyranny over women perpetrated by men and the tyranny over blacks perpetrated by whites. Integrity and agency are ideals that Americans have fought for over the years. Jacobs reshapes these ideas and makes decisions and takes full reposibilities for her actions to become the ideal and representative image of womanhood. Work Cited: Gates, Henry Louis Jr. and Nellie Y. McKay. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton & Company

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cybersex: Human Sexuality Essay

Human sexuality is an enormous part of a human life and people are constantly faced with sexuality challenges. As the world evolves, ideas and inventions are voiced and created to make life better for everyone and the internet is one of these creations becoming an essential part of many lives all over the world. Cybersex is a growing form of sexual expression over a computer where people get arousal through typed text, video, images and spoken voice (Waskul : 2003). Because cybersex is so wholly person, yet so wholly impersonal creates many interesting qualities in the phenomenon (Waskul: 2003). With the internet rapidly becoming one of the most used tools in the world, it seems only an easy and curiousity driven progression that relationships arousal is experienced via technology. The underlying question of this innovation is whether or not cybersex will transform human sexuality or is it merely a backward step for society? In an investigation performed of online users, three types of cybersex participants were established. Firstly, there were the recreational users who perform cybersex for curiosity and entertainment. Secondly, the sexual compulsives who use it for sexual desires and lastly the at –risk users who rely on internet interaction, have a definite addiction which leads them to becoming isolated, living solely from this fantasy world (Cooper:2000). Cybersex is a virtual environment with convincing representations that become real through their outcomes (Waskul:2003). The manifestations of cybersex allows people to react to them as if they were real which is how we come to the conclusion of Cybersex having the three types of users, the level of addiction depending on how deeply persuaded someone is. Cybersex used in control is healthy and no different to watching pornography. However, it can grow from transforming human sexuality to being very problematic and as we can tell from above, if not done in moderation it will have harmful effects. The vast number of sexually- oriented online chat rooms is a huge reflection of the immense ranging sexual interests that are now spreading throughout cyber space. New forms of identity as well as intimate liaisons are being created all the time. Be it â€Å"sexually active women, men, teenage and adult homosexuals, closeted and open bisexuals, people with multiple sex partners, part-time or full-time sex workers† or trans genders, all have found a new means to build their solidarity through the internet (Castells:1996). The internet mediated environment has become a very important channel through which individuals are freeing their embodiments which help to further pronounce their sexual practices. People always try and find ‘closure’ amongst feelings or ideas which are not settled. People tend to feel more clear headed if they can pin theirs, or someone else’s sexuality down to a label. The qualities of cyber space liaisons make it possible for identities to be truly â€Å"fluid†(Castells:1996). Identities are no longer fixed but instead taken up, created and explored, mixed and matched, and eventually given up only to try out a series of other sexual identities (Castells:1996). Nowhere else is this identity formation process more actively carried out then on the internet. What leads someone into a potentially dangerous and addictive area is when they do not give up their online identity and pursue the one that is true to them in the real world. They resort to the online cyber space to free themselves from the fake persona they have created outside this fantastical world. Cybersex is an escapist method for some people, diverting their sexual struggle away from the focus of society. The cyberspaces’ anonymity allows a person to freely follow their sexual desires and curiosity without the pressure and possibility of ridicule from society. This could go two ways. Either this expression will help them become more comfortable in their own skin which in turn, helps them be honest in the real world, or it could have the opposite affect with it becoming counterproductive to an individual (Cooper:2000) Someone could get so used to this gratification away from the public eye that it becomes an addiction. However for those individuals who don’t use it as an escapism and purely to connect with the sexual minorities it could potentially transform sexuality. There is now an application on the i-phone called ‘grinder’ in which a gay boy can sign up and it will search for all the other same orientated people within a five kilometre radius of you. You can chat with someone and see if you like talking to them, and if so, this progresses to meeting up in person if both parties are willing. It seems to be of great advantage to those looking to connect with other like minded sexual beings. Cybersex is extremely accessible, and anyone can sign on practically anywhere, anytime. It could be argued that this is a brilliant innovation where bodies, sex and society are interrelated for the first time that it is transforming people and their sexuality through its availability (Waskul:2003). One does no longer have to wait to have sexual interaction by relying on someone else, it is all on your terms. If this is just as exciting to someone having the absence on a real body, opposed to actually having one, then it’s hard to argue against there being a problem because you are causing no direct harm to anyone else if you use cybersex safely. If an individual is confused about their sexuality, the internet is very accessible and affordable where they can seek experience to try and come to a realization of their orientation within themselves. But is this always healthy? As I mentioned before, it can help someone to become more open, but on the flip side, it is very negative. If someone is faced with a situation where they are actually gay but married to the opposite sex and have a job where their boss is a homophobic, it seems almost incomprehensible that they could ‘come out’ and live a happy life. Driven by their distress and/or unhappiness, they resort to online arousal with the same sex. Cybersex could just be an avoidance of sexual issues someone is facing. It is important to consider whether cyberspace is a new virtual world? Which is merely a progression and natural development from the outside, physical world, or is it purely a fantastical world which makes it impossible to ever look at it with objectivity as a transformation of modern physical world. People tend to modify and refine their values and actions in response to what society views as acceptable (Cooper:2000). An individual could pose as anyone they wanted. In a sense, most people do this in some form every now and then, whether it be them sending a text as someone else or they are an actress so take on the role of another individual. The difference is over the internet they don’t have the conscience of others judging them so are more likely to get more deeply involved in their false personality. With the anonymity one receives online, they no longer have the force and influence of society helping them guide them in a suitable direction. The characteristics of online interaction could potentially make someone act in a harmful way. They begin to not be considerate of other people’s needs and wants, and instead go about cybersex in a very egotistical manner. On the flip side, it could help someone to grow as an individual, allowing them to change their opinion with the click of a mouse and explore different areas of themselves and ways on interacting with another being (Castells:1996). This can shift boundaries f the rigid ideas society has of what a relationship should and shouldn’t be, developing ones sexuality greatly. Sex is a big part of sexuality, but there are so many more components to discovering ones sexuality such as mental, emotional and spiritual which cybersex seems to ignore. Does cybersex just boil down to the pure physical side? Sex is a very important part of any relationship but cybersex full emphasis is on sex (Waskul:2003). It seems to stray away from the enormity of the subject of se xuality and only be for physical arousal. I’m sure this can develop sexuality, but it is hard to see it transforming if it ignores these other important areas of the subject. As people pursue pseudo intimate relationships, will this have an effect on their ability to have a real world relationship? They are satisfied from this online experience so don’t feel the desire to try and make a real life one work which is much more difficult. But satisfaction is probably the extent of happiness one would get from cybersex, where a real life person could exceed this satisfaction. In an interview I did of one of my friends who takes part in cybersex, she comments in response to this paragraph â€Å"well you may think that real life relationships are better, but I don’t see it that way. There is a detachment from emotions so I don’t need to fear being hurt. Its all very practical, I get my excitement but there is never any down side to it for me. Im just as happy as anyone else†. It is important to make a distinction between people who do it for get rid of the ache or longing for real physical sex, and ones who merely want a good time and fun experience. It’s a tough debate to see if people who are against cybersex are because they are conventional and have a set idea of the meaning of sex or because they see it merely as a commodity where the negative effects rule out every positive one and the commodity is a terrible backwards step for the progression of sexuality in society. Cybersex relies on accessibility, so what does this mean for third world countries? It can only transform sexuality with those countries that have access to internet. In a sense, cybersex is completely dependent on region, and something that is going to have transforming effects needs to be available to everyone. This phenomenon may have begun with good intentions, but society has perverted it. It does enhance sexuality but only within a definite circle (Cooper:2000). As soon as you move outside these lines its side effects overwhelm its positive potential. It is an individual’s free choice to par- take in cybersex. It is very important to step back and think about the meaning of â€Å"sex† and perhaps it should be something that goes beyond momentary gratification or is this once again, a view which has been socially constructed? Cybersex is a topic which has many opposing arguments and it is hard to reach a settled opinion on the matter. Like I have stated throughout this essay, there are many negative effects to the internet sensation but there are negative effects to anything in life. I don’t think it has the potential to transform sexuality as due to the characteristics of it most people would be uncomfortable. All it really boils down to an individual’s personal choice and if they can use it wisely and approach it with wariness.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Houston Zoning Essay

Since its beginning the City of Houston has brought about much controversy over it land use policies, if any. According to its official site â€Å"The city of Houston does not have zoning but development is governed by codes that address how property can be subdivided†. Because of no Zoning restrictions Houston has grown to become a massive ununiformed collection of concrete. With no zoning in effect you can travel across Houston and come across multiple skylines, which can actually make Houston a unique place to live. I can recall a friend from Tennessee informing of how impressive Houston’s downtown skyline was, but come to find they simply talking about the Houston Galleria district. Houston cityscape, and Average Street or avenue is like no other cities of its size or greater. In a way zoning in Houston has become an increasingly complex topic, many property owners are speaking out more than ever. Many Property owners feel that while someone else’s land is th eirs, it shouldn’t affect their own. In Houston a phenomenon that’s not unfamiliar would be unwanted businesses or industries establishing themselves within areas the great majority would rather not be located near. For example, a sports bar across the street from a church or, a junk yard next to a single family residence. Home buyers in the Houston area eliminate the risk of having their property values decrease because of lack of zoning by purchasing their new dwellings in a â€Å"deed restricted† community, many located all throughout the city of Houston. Under the circumstances, home buyers agree to purchase their home a community of this type giving authority to a hired home owner’s association to keep their community and home values well up kept. In the textbook (Texas Politics: 12th edition), Political science professor Daniel Elazar identifies three broad developed patterns of political culture; moralistic, traditionalistic, and individualistic. Daniel groups the various states between the groups by their structure of government and citizens. He identifies that Texas would be under the individualistic political culture. According to Professor Elazar â€Å"in the individualistic political culture, citizens understand the state and nation as marketplaces in people strive to better their personal welfare†. Citizen participation is encouraged only as a means of individual achievement and discouraged when it attempts to redistribute wealth. Being the largest city in the  individualistic state of Texas, one definitely can understand why or how its municipal setting mimics the big picture. Houston zoning laws can be viewed as a way to support the idea of individual growth versus the growth of the whole community. When som eone purchases land in Houston, it’s typically the end of story and just that. You do as you pleased with your private property. The land / property now become a reflection of its owner. A business minded man will make his property profitable, while some other average may not see his for that reason. Nevertheless, with no zoning it doesn’t matter, who or where things are being placed. Many Houston residents have grown to love some benefits of no zoning, as well as visitors, after the initial shock. For what it’s worth no zoning has allowed Houston to become one huge convenient city. Unlike a citizen of a traditional zoned city, a Houston resident doesn’t even have to leave their surroundings to get all their errands done in one making Houston the ultimate â€Å"stop and go†.